Spirituality can be Fun

Actually, I should rather say spirituality is fun. Not many folks would agree, and not many would choose to believe. So why do I go about claiming it’s fun? Firstly because it’s my own personal experience, and secondly, because, like science or math, spirituality is also scientific and logical and would appeal to rational and incisive minds. Spirituality is not a humbug; it can stand the test of an in-depth investigation into its underlying principles. It’s magic but not without sound scientific fundamentals behind it, and it can be really fun to discover what makes the magic happen.

We consider spirituality and whatever it has to offer us as extraneous to our lives and our notion of success. We make up what we lack in our understanding of God by either negating his existence or meekly acknowledging his presence though entirely unsuited to our aims and ambitions. It is because we feel God, like everything in our lives, must serve a certain purpose. We also wish to dictate what purpose he should serve. He should be our agony aunt, a savior when our deeds backfire upon us, or someone who makes miracles happen. These are some of the puny ideas about God than what he really is. He’s THE source of joy, the only source of joy. Again you may feel like you have to bite the bullet and take my word for it, for you have experienced happiness before, and it surely wasn’t God, but what if I say it was indeed God, though obscured by many layers of nature providing a faint experience of him. You have seen the trailer, and you must know the movie exists. We all like the trailer so much, so why not watch the movie? Isn’t watching a movie fun? Being spiritual is not for any higher purpose than it’s generally made out to be. It’s for us to be happy. Simple and selfish. Being happy is what we live and strive for, but we shy away from God, thinking happiness lies elsewhere.

I had read somewhere a long time back that “God is an experiment that ends in experience.” Doesn’t it sound like it may be a scientist talking? God is not a demonstrable truth, but it sure is a verifiable truth. Someone once asked the famous Indian spiritual Guru, Sri Raman Maharshi, if he could show them God. He laughed and said, “ How can I show God? He’s not the seen; he’s the seer”. What he meant was he can be seen, just not without. A keen mind open to experimenting with sufficient patience and some guidance from someone already proficient in the science of spirituality will be able to experience the truth sooner than later.

Our concept of what God is or what he can be stems from the fact that our minds and senses have been trained to look outside of us for everything. The experiment that we need to do is to look inside and discover for ourselves that everything is actually inside of us — a hard-to-swallow fact but true in every sense of the word.

If you think looking inside ourselves and turning our minds within can’t be fun, then you should definitely try it. You will come across something that is more fun than anything else you have ever experienced. You don’t even have to turn your present life upside down for it. Trust me; you can keep your Ferrari and still be a monk. Ferrari is not your problem; your insistence that there is nothing better or more valuable to be gained is the problem.

Have fun experimenting and discover the endless fun that is God.